
Thursday, October 13, 2011


I was a little nervous stepping out of the house today. I'll be honest- this was the first time I've ever worn the wider sweater/ narrow bottom look out of the house during a work day.

And I love it.

It forces me to stand straighter and taller (if I slouched, the wider silhouette would make me look dumpy.) and it's perfectly cozy for another day of desk work and scanning. Plus, there's this row of adorable buttons down the length of the back.


Skirt: Thrifted...Sweater: Banana, via Buffalo Exchange...Shoes: Nine West via Buffalo...Bag: D&B via Buffalo

These earrings were such a fun find in the crazy Beijing Markets- I haggled them down from $15USD (yeah, right!!!!) to $2.50. I crap you not.

May I also say that this day has been absolutely bananas- B A N A N A S- My boss' husband just had cataract surgery, the invitation for the big fundraising Gala got totally screwed up, I'm still scanning HUNDREDS of photos to be used on a loop of projected images during the Gala, boss lady wants them labeled by name, but I don't know most of these people and she's not regularly here to give me direction. Eeeeeeeeeep.

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