
Thursday, October 6, 2011

I am a pack mule

My responsibilities today include delicately addressing 60 envelopes for a November party, scrambling to get everyone aligned to drill holes in an upholstered wall without ruining the fabric completely to mount a tv, and schlepping. Aaaalways the schlepping. Boss lady is hosting some artist friends from Sunday - Wednesday of next week and one of the rooms is still inundated with junk and other goodies she hasn't wanted to think through. So it sits in a junk room. Because that's healthy. Needless to say, we're hauling a lot of it out and away and stashing it in a more remote junk room in the garage. I am the pack mule. And I will be barefoot.

Pants: Gap Slim Cropped...Button down: Target...Cardigan: Target...Shoes: MaxStudio via DSW...Bag: Faux Tod's via Beijing cart vendor

Aaaaaand then there's this goodie- My 4 year old pup got needy and annoying one day a few weeks ago and CHEWED MY FAVE SHOES. Punk. This was exposed down to the white poly core, so I colored it with an art marker, gooped heavy duty glue into the hole and hoped it wasn't too noticeable. If I walk quickly, I think I'm in luck.


1 comment:

  1. Whoa, that is some serious damage right there! But I'm sure the close-up exaggerates it.

    Love your plaid shirt, btw.

    14 Shades Of Grey
