
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oh my Gosh, they noticed me!!

Because it's up to a big, whopping !THREE! shout outs that I'm aware of, I would like to take a moment to thank the following fab ladies for giving me major self esteem points. No award was created for this, but I just needed a way to say thanks.

1. The lovely and ever-encouraging Kayla of Freckles in April, hostess of the way fun 21 Day Challenge. I got a mention as one of her faves. Swoon. And I decided to start blogging juuuuust in time to take part in the challenge, which was a perfect way to ease into daily documentation and writing about what I slithered into for the day.

2. Erica of North Meets South, who is always so cheerful in her photos, admits to pushing her own boundaries and is cleeeearly enjoying this adventure of diving into the blogging world. I hope my blog turns into something as fun and funny as hers is.

3. New-to-Me Emily of Emily's Going Nuts. She's a story teller, a chuckle-inducing observer of all kinds of life stuff. And her Outfit MO is so far, in my opinion "For Real Cute/Professional Put-Together Without Trying Too Hard".

Girlies, thank you for sucking me into a state of self-importance. It happens so rarely, it's kind of fun.

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