
Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekend Recap

I think I need to invest in a new sewing machine, which breaks my heart. A few weeks ago, I was tailoring a skirt and BAM! Something jammed and the wheel won't turn more than halfway. Nothing is visibly stuck in a gear. My machine is an early 80's gem that is built into a table, but the repair cost is too high to justify right now. So I might buy a little Singer for my alterations for now and cough up the cash for repairs when I get into projects of more substance (not likely to happen while my Guy is still in school and we're still living in 520 square feet. Alterations are all I have room for). So, that's on the docket for today: locate a new machine because...

My thrift finds this weekend are magic. And I want to wear them ASAP. Namely my ridiculous rodeo-print wrap skirt. And the fruit skirt from a few weeks ago.

Aaaaanyway, this weekend has been nice. Friday I got home super late, so we ate burgers from our favorite dive (It's called Lucky Burger- you can order a side of fries or fried rice. And the sweet Taiwanese owner lady knows my name). We watched PCU with a friend and zonked out early.
Saturday morning was lazy and wonderful and my Guy started on cover letters and CV revision for job applications. I left around lunch to thrift with a girlfriend who won a French Horn job at the San Antonio Symphony. It was my first time to this place called "The Guild Shop"- it. was. insane. I will spend the entire time it's open one day and just sift through the jewelry. I didn't even touch it yesterday, there was too much. And everything is in a case, so you have to take a number to go through it with a volunteer. We hit up the Salvation Army afterwards. HUGE, but the prices were awfully high. I found a leather skirt, but put it back. $19? I don't think so. I'll wait until green tag day. The evening was spent watching Halloween-y movies at Bromance's place. Taco dip and Chex Mix. I stuffed myself silly.
And today is chill. I'm taking another girlfriend up to the most 80's thrift store ever and we're hunting for costumes for her. This is the most social I've been in ages.

Jeans: Gap...Button down: Target...Shoes: Naturalizer...Bag: via Buffalo Exchange
Halloween-y Movie Night:
Seriously, how silly is this? Dress: Thrifted...Tee: J Crew Outlet...Belt: Gap...Shoes: Chacos
Jeans: Gap...Tee: J Crew Outlet...Cardigan: J Crew Outlet... Bag: via Buffalo Exchange...Shoes: Chacos
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Rest up and I'll see you tomorrow!

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