
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Help, Popeye!

Before I left the house, I had to ask "Do I look like Olive Oyl?" a few times. Something about this collar peeking out of a sweater made me nervous. The blouse is adorable on its own, darting and seams in all the right places, but I wasn't so sure about this layering. I've since gotton over it and am wearing this pattern mixing with pride.

Also, the urge to wear black has returned to my wardrobe with a vengence since the temperature dropped. Chic? Or dull? TBD.

Skirt: thrifted...Blouse: H&M via Buffalo Exchange...Sweater: Banana Outlet...Shoes: Kenneth Cole Reaction via Piperlime

A day past due, but 30 Days Hath November: Day 30- 3 Wonderful things that happened this month: 1. Thanksgiving. It has always been my very favorite holiday because it retains most of the original intention with more purity than many others. Being grateful for the joys in your life while you're surrounded by loved ones and delicious things. 2. The massive house party hosted by boss lady and the enormous fundraising Gala came and went without major incident. Both could have held major melt down moments, but the positive energy and happiness of both shone through. And I got to eat reeeeally tasty paella. 3. My guy turned in his final paper of the semester just two days ago. Well, hello, work-life balance. It was a rough month for both of us and it took its toll on our communication, but we successfully ironed out the relationship-strain wrinkles well before the end of the semester came, meaning that that lovin' feeling is around and strong in plenty of time before he's finally free of time-consuming obligations.

See you all manana!

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