
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Artificial Sunshine

Jeans: Gap...Tank: Target...Cardigan: Gap...Shoes: J Jill via Buffalo Exchange

I'm a fashion cheater. I'll own up to it. Like how I stole an outfit from myself (it's been barely 3 weeks since I wore this last) just to have a for-real sunny yellow look so I could participate in Marion's monthly challenge and boost my mood. Changing the color of your pants counts as a new outfit, right?

Thank goodness for my husband. If you actually made it through yesterday's whiny mess of a post, you know my Memorial Day Off was a major disappointment and Tuesday was a crabby continuation. My Guy convinced me that evenings were for fun and relaxing, so rather than continue to stew, I ought to cram my face with a spicy black bean burger loaded up with mushrooms, avocado and blue cheese dressing, cry my eyes out watching "Milk" for the first time to purge the sobby emotions from my system, blog to my heart's content and snuggle into bed an hour early. A much better attitude by the end of the night.

So, I'm cheerfully linking up with a few goodies this evening... Marionberry Style's Monthly Trend Challenge, Pleated Poppy's What I Wore Wednesday, All Lacqured Up's Work It Wednesday. I love the inspiration I find in these link ups!

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