
Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Jeans: Gap Always Skinny...Tank: via Buffalo Exchange...Cardigan: Target...Shoes: Sperry via DSW...Necklaces: Banana & thrifted...Bracelet: Bloom

Since the darling Kendi opened a storefront, has it become like a trip to Mecca to visit Bloom? I feel like it might be a little bit. And I drank the Kool-Aid last Saturday. Three notes: 1. Her shop is beautifully curated and designed. 2. She and her husband are surprisingly softspoken and very sweet. 3.  I did not fangirl out and I'm glad. Woulda been aaaaawkward. Anyway, I brought home two little souvenirs: that adorable bracelet and an elephant printed Baggu grocery bag.

Back to regular programming.

Continuing with the theme of childhood stories, I'll fill you in about the shocking change and disparity of two major childhood landmarks. My parents live 2 blocks from the edge of the local university and we used to take family walks there frequently. Two houses down from the end of our block was a house with a pine tree, which was our designated stopping point for riding bikes since mom could see us from our front yard. I remember vividly the size and shape of that pine tree. It was relatively small and grew several feet from early childhood to late grade school, but the best part about it was that the lower branches drooped to the ground and we found several bright blue robins' eggs underneath after babies hatched every year. When my sisters and I were all home for a few days together over Christmas, we all took a walk down to the university together, making special mental notes about the pine tree... It was at least 50' high and the lowest branches had been trimmed to be 10' off the ground. We kept walking and ended up waiting for the crosswalk that is next to the hill we would roll down as littles. I recall rolling for innumerable rotations before coming to a stop at the bottom. The thrill of rolling, the joy of running down and bouncing your voice. Take a guess how big that hill really is... It is a 3 1/2' high raised lot on the corner. Not a hill. A negligible lump. Shocked the pants off of me. Talk about two major paradigm shifts.

What falsified childhood memories have you uncovered lately?

I am linking up again with Pleated Poppy's What I Wore Wednesday and Watch out for the Woestmans' Watch What I'm Wearing. So much fun!

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