
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

In Preparation for Neighbors

Jeans: Gap...Blouse: Ecote via Buffalo Exchange...Shoes: Nine West via Buffalo Exchange

My Guy and I finally decided to get on with it... and by that I mean finally having our neighbors over for a sushi night. We've lived here for coming up on three years and have never invited neighbors into our home and have never been invited into any of theirs. We spend crazy amounts of time together outside at the picnic table in the courtyard (which is just about ready for its glamour shot post-sod) and we're really looking forward to sharing another meal with the group. One upstairs neighbor has the best wood smoke grill and his sauce recipes are killer, so he rounds the group up every once in a while just to have a BBQ potluck. Sweets and fresh baked goods have been passed around. The woman just above us make a mean guacamole. And now we can share sushi with the crew. I can't wait!

This also means we are doing some last minute deep cleaning. And it isn't close to being over yet. Our darling critters are filthy little buggers and have left more dark oily smears on window sills, nose prints on windows and snot/snout marks on door frames than I realized. Not to mention the ground-in dog fur I've been sucking out of the sofa and guinea pig sized furballs floating around the room after having vacuumed on Sunday morning. I don't know how they get so big so fast. Our cat only weighs 6 1/2 lbs herself.

We're hosting tomorrow night... That's enough time to wrap it all up. Right?

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