
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Study Session

Dress: Target...Cardigan: Target...Belt: thrifted...Shoes: J Jill via Buffalo Exchange...Bracelet: Target...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange

Pajama Dress for a day full of running errands and hauling sodas over to the office for the first Board Meeting of the season. We're cookin' and moving into crazy planning mode!

I spent my evening last night and my shower time this morning quizzing my Guy on his music history. We only made it through the history of Opera (going back over Romantic Opera a second time), Motets and Madrigals. OVER FOUR HOURS. And, yes, I died of boredom just as quickly as you did. But, for the next week we're doing it every night because I'm a meanie, stickler quizzer and I know it will help him retain information. Wanna see how he's organized himself? A date, piece and composer timeline on enormous pieces of paper. A notebook scribbled long-winded synopsis of the subject, including composers, unique features of their writing style, their important pieces and what makes it noteworthy to the era. A condensed key word version of the information hand-written into a second notebook. So, while he needs to know EVERYTHING about each subject, the essay prompt for the exam may be as focused and simple as "Trace the development of only Mozart's operas." 40 prompt topics, 4 selected for the exam essays. Blugh.

Bear with me while I melt my brain for the week and from here on out, I'll spare you more music story-time. I just won't have much else to say!

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