
Friday, November 30, 2012


Pants: Gap Modern Boot...Tee: GapBody...Jacket: Armani Exchange via Buffalo Exchange...Belt: Target...Shoes: Cole Haan via DSW...Scarf: mysterious textile from Thailand...Bag: Naturalizer

Well, my husband is officially MIA for a few days. I was up at 3:00 to take him to the airport, which was definitely overkill- he was the first person at the gate by a long shot. But, he's safely en route and geared up for a big adventure.

And I'm buckling down for a few days filled with cleaning, running the heater full blast, obsessively checking email for an update from him, and copious critter snuggling. Because that's what you do when you're alone, right?

Sending my Guy off and away got me thinking about plane rides. What are your air travel traditions? Favorite music? Best sleeping method? I really only have one "must do" for plane travel. I listen to Steve Reich's Music for 18 Musicians. If you aren't at all familiar with Steve Reich but like 20th Century Modern Music even a little bit, you'll love this. Hop onto Spotify, look this piece up and passively listen to it in the background all the way through. It's weirdly serene and light for how driving and repetitive the score is. And it's long. Perfect for a low volume airplane nap score. Also excellent for the post-road-dinner evening driving shift during a road trip.

Seriously, go look it up. You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Pants: Gap Really Skinny...Blouse: Target...Cardigan: Target...Shoes: via Buffalo Exchange...Earrings: Target

Well, our first gala meeting went well. It's a fun, upbeat group of women on the Host Committee and I'm looking forward to getting to know each of them better!

It's a packed week- my Monday and Tuesday were slammed after Thanksgiving break getting ready to present our preliminary information for the Gala (I went home at 9 on Monday, yuck!). We have a buddy who is finishing up his masters' degree and is back in town to finish his dissertation and get a recording of his big orchestral work (and we get to host him this week). And my Guy is headed out of town to interview on site for the positon he had the video interview for during that hellish week in October. You remember, that week just prior to his comprehensive exams, the dog barfed his guts out, I started transitioning into my new position... I can't tell you all any more, but send out some good vibes and a prayer for him. Getting a job (especially in music academia) right out of the program is really tough, but I'm hoping that out of the 7 total applications he sent out this season, something will bubble up to the surface.

In the meantime, I'll enjoy our friend's company (and his darling wife gets into town tomorrow evening!) and do a little linkin' up: Pleated Poppy's What I Wore Wednesday and Rolled Up Pretty's Whatever Wherever Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Party Prep

Dress: Target...Cardigan: Target...Blazer: Gap...Belt: Gap...Shoes: BCBG via Ross...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange...Necklace: Target

Woo, this morning got all shaken up! I stayed at work late to finish putting together packets for our first host committee meeting, which is today, for the 2013 Benefit Dinner in the spring. For which no When, Where, Theme, Honoree, etc. information has been decided. Good thing I'm well versed in cheerfully taking care of details last minute. Kidding, we'll get a lot of it figured out between today's meeting and a meeting with our potential honoree next week.

The good news is that we had meeting with two potential locations yesterday, so I received a delicious sampling of ceviche and "lobster bisque pops"- yeah, as in tasty lobster corn dogs. On a stick. Yum. I'm pretty sure that counts as a perk of the job!

Monday, November 26, 2012


Skirt: Target...Button Down: Target...Sweater: Gap...Belt: stolen from sister in Middle School...Shoes: MaxStudio via DSW...Trench: Target...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange

Nothin' better than a thick leather belt. Oh, yeah, there is. One that you've stolen from your little sister. Which has been broken in to perfection. That you used to wear around your hips. Because you stole it in Junior High. I think this silly belt would make it onto my top 20 most valued belongings list. I don't wear it often, but every time I do, it's a good day.

Also on my list of Most Valuable Possessions are the first Christmas gift my brother made for me (it's a drawing of a ladybug with a photo of him in a ladybug costume, laminated and with magnets on it), my pearl earrings thoughtfully selected by my sister when she first moved to Beijing, a collection of Hull Brownware from my grandma (I drink out of the enormous "root beer mug" at least three times a week), a tee shirt and hideous wool blend sweater from the 80's from each of my parents, Essie In Stiches polish, my cotton blanket (each family member has been gifted one!), my cedar chest/coffee table... some good stuff.

What's on your list of favorite possessions? I love knowing what is near and dear to people, like a litmus test of some sort... and there's usually a fun story behind it, too!

I just found a new Monday LinkUp- #YOLOmondays over at Still Being Molly. It looks like it will be a fun, uplifiting cocktail of links. Looking forward to it!

Friday, November 23, 2012


We've stuffed ourselves silly, had a tremendous day with dear friends, had a bunch of video chats with far flung family... And now we've come home, taken care of the critters and dove into bed at 8.

I'm so thankful for how hard working and diligent about finishing his degree and applying to some really fascinating job opportunities my husband is. For my family, their insight, their cheerful support. For my best friend, I'm so glad to have her as another sister. For our adorable apartment and the ability to make it feel like home no matter where we are. For my critter kids and their affection. The little reminders of just how awesome living life to the fullest can be.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

With Thanks

Skirt: Target...Blouse: thrifted...Cardigan: Target...Jacket: Armani Exchange via Buffalo Exchange...Shoes: Naturalizer...Belt: Gap

The day before Thanksgiving! I'm so excited. There is really no better holiday, in my book. Birthday? Pffft, just the marker of another year of limping along in all the big life-goal stuff. Christmas. Too much shopping and sugar. Halloween? Too much effort in dressing up (if you're into it) and too much sugar. Valentines? Barf, I can't stand the sappy sweet romantic gooey sentiment. 4th of July? Eh, fireworks and picnics are okay... But, THANKSGIVING. Spend time with people you like. Connect with people you love. Eat a delicious dead bird and whatever other tasty, roasty, oven-prepared goodies you feel like making. Giggle with your favorite people, snuggle on the couch for a while, call a few more far-flung family members, remember what a GIFT this lifetime is, revel in the tiny, ridiculous moments, cherish and appreciate small pleasures, big accomplishments, hopes and dreams. And then eat a piece of pie. Because, puhlease, that's the best part.

Happiest Thanksgiving, you all! I'm SO incredibly grateful for this community!

Check out Pleated Poppy's What I Wore Wednesday and Rolled Up Pretty's Whatever Whenever Wednesday. I'm linkin'!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Extended Celebrations

Skirt: Target...Tank: thrifted...Cardigan: Target...Blazer: Gap...Belt: Target...Shoes: Steve Madden via Ross...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange...Earrings: Banana Republic...Necklace: Target

Oh, good gravy. These photos are a scaaaaary reminder to hit my gams with just a little self tanning foam. Days of bare legs and needing tights flip flop like crazy this time of year, perhaps I ought to remember that and prepare accordingly. Or not. And just skippidy-do out the door like my beached-whale skin-tone isn't even a little bit offensive. On a roll, Kate. On a roll.

We got to have a Mini Thanksgiving with friends last night... And boy-o-boy was it amazing! Regina The Talented prepared the whole meal, including mini birds... Quail! She even put adorably oversized paper covers over their little leggies, I nearly fell over laughing when she showed me the package over the weekend. I love when the Thanksgiving season lasts for just about as long as the Christmas season. It's my favorite!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Reasons Technology Rocks My World

Skirt: Target...Cardigan: J Crew Factory...Bow Blouse: Banana Republic, thrifted...Belt: Gap...Shoes: Naturalizer...Jacket: Armani Exchange via Buffalo Exchange...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange

You know you're a fashion blogger when: You yank out a leopard print cardigan and wear it like it's nothin'. And then realize you also have the option of leopard shoes, leopard skirt, leopard sweater, leopard headband... Between leopard, polka dots and stripes, my selection of on-trend classics is outta control. And I love it.

I'm so happy for this short week! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, I'm looking forward to spending it with dear friends here in town, eating until I want to burst, web cam-ing with my family (my sister is hosting my aunt and uncle in Phoenix and grandparents, parents, brother and any other siblings we've picked up over the years will be gathered in Ohio). We have a standing Saturday evening date to gather and chat on Google Hangouts, which is so much fun to see faces and hear voices and get stories while we're all "together" online. With family in Ohio, Arizona, Hong Kong, and us here in Texas, having a way to gather regularly is such a treasure. I've been doing it all month on Facebook, but I'll post a daily thanks for the rest of this week... Day 19: I'm grateful for a family filled with supporters and cheerleaders and sounding boards. And I'm even more grateful that we get to see one another pretty much weekly.


As promised! The Orange Show Gala is always a big costume-fest based on whatever the theme is for the year- Angels and Demons, Kaleidoscope (70's rock), Rockabilly... I went with a modern spin on 50's vibes this year (mostly because a rockabilly halter dress would have made me cold and crabby). Staff was asked to wear jeans and a white top with an orange flower so we would be identifiable, but since I wasn't really staff, I wore something a little more ladylike to be a more lovely representative for Boss Lady during the party. When it came time to do auction check out, I swapped my wardrobe and joined the ranks.

There's something kinda nice about using normal wardrobe pieces to create fun new looks. Like that blouse. And cardigan. And jeans. And kicky kitten heels. Okay, the skirt is kind of limited to special occasions and vintage costuming, but look how amazing it is with the quilted finish and appliqued butterflies.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Good Stuff

Pants: Gap Really Skinny...Blouse: Target...Cardigan...thrifted...Shoes: Kenneth Cole Reaction...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange

Worn one Friday ago to herd two sessions of 300+ 7th & 8th graders into and out of an experience at the University of Houston Opera House. No joke. a bunch of middle schoolers got totally pumped to see a comedic opera. It was awesome.

I'm also just going to say that Target really killed it this past season- my pencil skirts, a handful of scarves, this adorable blouse... I'm not really expecting any of it to last more that a year or two, but they sure will serve me well while they last (ex: the maroon pencil skirt is at about a $3.50 cost per wear... worth it!)

Have a wonderful weekend, you all. Do some relaxing, snuggling, and sipping something warm and cozy!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Reality of the Situation

Skirt: Target...Sweater: Gap...Trench: Target...Belt: Target...Shoes: BCBG via Ross...Necklace: Target...Bracelets: thrifted

Dose of reality? Happily! See that top photo? Look for my bag. See it gapping open by about 6" at the top? Yeah, I have lunch, snacks and a camera charger in there. I use my D&B All Weather Leather handbag as a dang lunchbox. Just thought you'd like to know I'm gross.

Not much to say today, I'm happily exhausted with my new position- learning lots and desperately trying to figure out protocol and what parts of what information belong with which grant applications. It's a maze of info!

Have a great Thursday, you all.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How To: Tie a Scarf

Skirt: thrifted...Tee: H&M...Cardigan: Gap...Jacket: Armani Exchange via Buffalo Exchange...Scarf: Target...Shoes: Kenneth Cole via Buffalo Exchange

Happiest Wednesday! As a special feature, I thought I'd share my slop-tastic method of lumping on a scarf. Seen here, or here, or here... You get the point. It's simple, really.
1. Hold opposite corners along the length to tug the fabric on a diagonal bias behind your neck with 1/3 on one side and 2/3 on the other.
2. the 2/3 side arm wraps the scarf around the front of your neck, making sure you don't twist (flat fabric makes bigger scarf volume and fewer folds).
3. Once the 2/3 side gets swung all the way around, grab opposite corners and swoop them up to the back of your neck, tie and tuck.
4. Yank and pull until you have volume and coverage you're happy with.
5. Shazam! You're wearing a delightfully messy scarf without ends to get stuck in desk drawers or get sucked out an open car window.

And I'm linking up! Pleated Poppy's What I Wore Wednesday, A Little Bit of Lacquer's Work It Wednesday and Rolled Up Pretty's Whatever Wherever Wednesday.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Weather and Problem Solving

Skirt: Target...Sweater: thrifted...Jacket: Armani Exchange via Buffalo Exchange...Belt: Target...Shoes: Naturalizer...Scarf: Target...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange

Another look that isn't quite a winner. I love this skirt for the comfort factor- soft, lined, long enough... but it sits just a little bit too low on my hips, which means things don't tuck in the way you think they ought to, belts don't hug your waist and stay in place if they have to sit on your hips, this sweater was just a little too loose at the elbows. Plus, the blue and black color thing make me think of a bruise. Whoops.

We have a cold front that rolled in. Finally. So, while my car rides just got way more pleasant with rolled down windows, I have to spend the next few days playing around with how on earth to dress for an office building. Will it still be air conditioned? Will they overcompensate for the nip in the morning air by pumping up the heat to 92? Will it remain right around 70 and I'll just be cold and crabby all the time? Air conditioned office buildings are really the worst. I know, First World Problems. I'll figure it out, though. Maybe the solution is to take a little blanket and leave it at my desk. Hmmmm...

Monday, November 12, 2012

I Owe Ya

Skirt: Beijing tailor...Sweater: F21...Belt: Target...Shoes: Nine West via Buffalo Exchange...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange...Necklace: Target

Pshtt, no white after Labor Day. A bunch of hooey.

So, it's been a week since the Gala and I haven't posted any photos. Um, that's because it was waaaay too busy night-of to take any. Seriously, I got dressed in the handicapped stall while guests were already in the lobby checking in and dumped my crummy yoga pants and make up bag under the nearest auction table. I also asked the nearest gay man to check my 2 minute updo and pin any stray hairs, slathered on some red lipstick and globbed on some black eyeliner. It's a darn good thing my costume was black on black with an enormous quilted circle skirt. People tend to notice less about how terrible your hair looks when your skirt is its own solar system. Anyway, I do owe you guys- I'll recreate the look this weekend (I was too busy doing laundry, vacuuming hamster-sized dust bunnies out of corners and getting many naps in this weekend... it was my first full days off in over three weeks...) Theme parties are always so much fun! Can't wait to show you.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Taupe, Tan and other neutrals

Jeans: Gap Always Skinny...Tee: Gap PureBody...Sweater: Banana Republic, thrifted...Blazer: Gap...Boots: thrifted...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange...Shades: via TJ Maxx

There's something wonderful about grounding an airy, light palette look with warm cognac boots and a leopard print scarf. Yeah, the blazer gives it a little gravity, yeah, the jeans are a nice mid grey, but it's all pretty simple and basic with the grey bottoms and light grey loose sweater until you add a kick of warmth with the deep tan hue. Color theory, my friends. And balance. between an accent above and below the waist. The tan and taupe in that scarf work with everything, including my boots.

I've been pulling a lot of black lately for my new job, it's easy, ladylike and gives me a little credibility. This look was a nice break from the strict professionalism of pencil skirts and lends itself well to a day of hauling bookcases. Yup, that happened.

Have an amazing weekend, you all! Keep your eyes peeled for this easy peasy look on both Work Clothes, I Suppose Third Thursday: Knits and EB:EW Boots!