
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Black Basics

Skirt: Target...Tee: Gap Body...Jacket: Armani Exchange via Buffalo Exchange...Scarf: Target...Belt: Gap...Shoes: Circa Joan & David...Earrings: vintage

New Yorkers are on to something. I spent literally 2 1/2 minutes picking out and and yanking on this look. It's aaaall about pieces that play nice together, even if they're simple.

It's amazing how much you can wrap your head around when you have a full day to do so. Working full time in my new position feels weirdly like a luxury since I'm able to sit down, prioritize, and actually spend some time reading through grants to absorb some of the finer points and nuance. I'm a pretty fast learner, but it was tough for me to have spent the last three weeks with the new organization working a measly 12 hours each week as a transition period... and not feel like I really absorbed anything. Shocker, right? Anyway, I'm so pumped about diving in and knowing more. I think needing to be prepared enough to man a table at a volunteer recruitment drive tomorrow is a solid start. Eeee!

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