
Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Skirt: thrifted and refashioned...Sweater: J Crew Outlet...Jacket: Banana Republic...Shoes: Naturalizer...Belt: Gap...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange

HA! I just realized that my shoulders are pretty much up to my ears in these photos... this look was photo'd just before my Guy left town to interview. And I was nervous. And while I'm grinning in the photos, my body language absolutely tells the story of what I was feeling all of last week.

PS, he feels like he did well, had good interaction with the Dean, had a shared vision of how to teach an integrated curriculum, was asked lots of specifics about his thoughts and opinions on certain things. We won't count on anything, but at least we know he represented himself well. And we'll hear between now and the middle of January. So, not much to do but wait until his flight lands at midnight and go to pick him up tonight. And let him work on writing his dissertation.

I'm linking up, you know, since it's Wednesday. Pleated Poppy's What I Wore Wednesday, Rolled up Pretty's Whatever Wherever Wednesday. Join the fun!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful skirt... This is so classy! Glad everything went well :)
