
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday Funday

Get me outta this week! My Guy is --> <-- this close to his recital and I sure would like to spend an evening or two with him. Asking too much? Next week, I suppose.

Anyway, I am playing hostess, sort of, for a party at my boss' tonight. I am not so sure I did the right thing by pairing this crazed plaid-ish skirt with the red belt. I feel like the poor little pop of red is totally overwhelmed.

Shirt: Gap...Shirt: thrifted...Necklace: Korea...Belt: thrifted...Shoes: Naturalizer

Nails: 2 coats Revlon "Vintage", 1 coat Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear "Very Cherry"

I also took everyone's advice regarding this necklace and you're all dead right- boatneck is the way to go. I thought it would be crafty to give this little red belt a punchy set of friends by way of shimmery pink nails. Thanks, silk necklace. Your crazed color combinations made for a fun manicure last night.

Thoughts on tomorrow's wardrobe for my Guy's recital: What do you girls think about black skinnies, grey leather bomber, and kicky heels? Too dull? Too punky? Not "evening" enough? Should I be doing summer? Fall? HELP!


  1. I don't know, I think that plucky red belt stands on it's own just fine! I really need to try the layering polishes thing.

    I think your outfit sounds awesome. I don't think a bomber jacket and kicky heels CAN be dull. I can't wait to see it!

  2. I'd say that pop of red is perfect! Love the plaid skirt!

    14 Shades of Grey

  3. The belt combined with the necklace and nails is just perfect--not lonely at all!
