
Monday, September 5, 2011

Sunday Shoes, worn on Saturday, posted on Sunday

My Guy and I went to a BBQ (pulled pork, homemade BBQ sauce, Mississippi style with homemade coleslaw on top. Y.U.M.) yesterday afternoon and I was faaaar and away the most overdressed person there. It was hosted by the electronic music and equipment Guru and attended by all of the composer nerds (all dudes) plus a significant other or two. We had a lot of fun singing our heads off and playing the piano and  guitar because, naturally with music geeks you'll have a few really really talented members of the group.
Anyone recognize the dress? Oops.
Dress: Target...Cardigan: Target via Buffalo Exchange

Shoes: BCBGGeneration via DSW
Gold Pod Necklace: Banana...Short Pearls: China...Long Pearls: J Crew...Earrings: Banana

I'll check in later with a little peek at what I'm wearing today. Happy holiday weekend, everyone!

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