
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Desk Work

I was told last week that today would be filled with scanning, so I figured that gave me freedom to wear whatever lovely thing I wanted and tall, tall shoes. I decided on boots instead, but I'm not totally sold on the length of the skirt vs. the height of the boots... I'll choose more wisely next time and go with tights and pumps. And I can do so when I dig my tights out of the storage closet.

I think this skirt is a trip. I found it at a thrift shop ages ago and loved how it felt vaguely retro with the buttons at the waist and the diagonal, pocket concealed closure. I really need new thrift stores- I've purchased all the small size granny skirts that are in central Houston. Maybe I would have good luck at a smaller town thrift shop. Road Trip!

Skirt: Thrifted...Blouse: Banana Outlet...Blazer: Gap...Boots: Thrifted

Mmmm, and look at that cat hair.


  1. I love the print on your's so cheery! The boots look fine to me. I think the socks help.

  2. Gotta love the cat hair, LOL! I agree, the skirt might be a touch too long with boots. But who cares? Because those boots are beautiful! I can't believe you thirfted them! Who in their right minds would get rid of such a wonderful pair of boots?
