
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blogger Love

 30 Days Hath November- Day 12: Three Four Blogs I Can't Get Enough Of:

Sheesh, this was tough to narrow down, but I decided to stick with some of the ladies I've been writing back and forth with, whose blogs I found because I was so drawn to what they have to say and the quirky, real-girl sense of style each posesses.

1. Jenn of Complex Cardigans.
As a teacher, she is wildly committed to her students and their success. I admire her fierce devotion to seeing her students thrive, her empathy and her careful consideration of the people around her. I started following her blog because I looooove her perfectly polished style, especially the femenine skirt and cardi looks, but, upon reading daily, I have come to admire this fashionable teacher extraordinaire as a person.

2. BiblioMOMia.
Hysterical, cheerful.  Knows a lot about a lot and happily shares the tidbits with the group. I also adore that she has opinions and they're so smart. Her real-world mommy-hood is blogging at its best- adorable stories, confessions of nearly all day PJ's, . Being real-world has never looked so good. Or worn lipstick so well. Sigh.

3. Loren of The Inclined Plane.
May we say Flirty Geek Chic? Every time I look through her outfit photos, there's always one piece that I covet. And then I scroll down to her credits and the piece I like best is ALWAYS thrifted. Her sense of humor, zest for life and how funny it can be shine through so clearly in her posts. Additionally, I may or may not swipe her dog. I think Ian-dog and Miles would be friends. Just like I think Loren and I would be friends.

4.  Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey.
Admittedly blogging to push herself to find her personal style, I adore how fearless she is in the endeavor. There have been many occasions where I mentally file away the way she wore a pop of color, the silhouette she chose, the sweet little "bonus" photos she took while doing her photo shoot. She's also incredibly thoughtful about the other content she includes in her blog, like TV and book reviews.

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