
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Good Golly, I need Guidence

I discovered this ooooone day late. But, lately, I've been a touch spaced out/brain-dead (HA! Halloween just came and went!) and I need a little blogging motivation. So, here goes nothin'.

Day 1: Self Portrait...
This never has been my strong suit, so I leave you with this mess:

Day 2: Three Inspirational Quotes:

In time of test, family is best.  ~Burmese Proverb (I adore my family)

Every time I've moved, my work has changed radically. -Robert Rauschenberg (This makes me feel a little less awful about my own focus shift in life every time we move across the country)

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. -Ralph Waldo Emerson (I always need more of this...)

And Item 3:
Daily Look: It's only gonna get worse before it gets better. I thought I looked okay-ish when I walked out the door, then I realized my sweater keeps getting caught on the top of my skirt, my hair air-dried weirdly flat and frizzy, my legs are PALE... Eek.
Skirt: thrifted...Blouse: Tucker for Target via Buffalo Exchange...Cardigan: Target...Shoes: BCBGeneration via Ross

I will fill you girls in on one juicy tidbit- my Guy gets to go to the Saturday Gala as a guest of a friend with tickets and I have to work, but, I still plan to look foxier than him even though I will have been up since 6 am with set-up. Think: Sequins. I'm pumped.

Another goodie: I am considering wearing the world's most dull cocktail dress the night before for a post-museum-opening dinner at boss lady's house. She's asked the adorable housekeeping ladies to wear the world's ugliest french maid-ish uniforms, I can't quite decide if dull cocktail dress is the way to go on my part or if I should piss her off and look fabulous rather than innocuous. Thoughts?

Blugh, I wanna go home.

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