
Monday, November 7, 2011

Laundry-filled Down Time

In the midst of doing laundry for the first time in at least 3 weeks (I crap you not), I reflect on the mess that was this weekend.

THE WHOLE SHE-BANG IS OVER. Thank friggin' goodness. Weeks and weeks of panic, stress, getting snipped at, nerves, missed deadlines and scrambling, irrational timelines, last minute changes, forgotten pick-ups, ridiculous nit-picking, and it's all finally taken place. I had a really hard time waking up this morning. Exhaustion. Whatever.

SO- the run down:

Friday night- Museum Opening after-party dinner hosted by boss lady at her house.
She called several people "idiots" and the like for suggesting we space tables out a little bit for service staff to be able to serve her guests. Extra space made good sense to me, but apparently mobility needs are inconsequential. So, we set everything up to her specifications and let her address the couple of people who did indeed complain about being packed in like sardines during dinner. I will say, however, that this was the only panicky negative of the Friday event. The rest of the evening went a little like this: high-powered, important, wildly well-educated arts patrons roamed in and out of different spaces in her house, peeked around at her art collection. I milled about, answered questions and, get this: SPENT TIME CHATTING UP BIG-DEAL ARTISTS LIKE IT WAS NO BIG DEAL. Boss lady was very pleased with the dinner service staff, old and new friends got to experience the house in party mode, conversations were cheerful and smiles were everywhere. It all turned out so well, I'm so grateful. But, I stayed at the house from 8am - past midnight. Zzzzzz....

I've never before had paella this good.

The Partay. 

Dress: Gap...Tights: Gap...Belt: thrifted...Necklaces: Wish Boutique and gift from Kenya... Shoes: BCBG Max Azria via Buffalo Exchange

Shoes, belt, necklaces and glasses are all mix some sort of brown and black

Saturday night- Orange Show Gala.
I arrived at 8am and things were already shaping up. The party from the night before was cleared out by 2am and our staff started set up at 3. I did not join. Aaanyway, we dove into the auction set up and another crew set up table decor. Auction artwork got hung before noon, we fiddled around with where items should be set up and how they should be grouped. No big deal, just time consuming.
And then 2pm rolled around. And schtuff hit the fan. We has custom gobo lights produced to project historic image of the folk art sites and their creators onto the upper walls in the auction area and THE LIGHTS WENT MISSING. We searched supply boxes, under every table, went dumpster diving, rooted though our packing materials, spare decorations. Nowhere. And, as boss lady is the Founder and Chairman of the nonprofit, I knew I would get the brunt of the ranting and raving. Thank goodness, the Director just decided to call her at home about 2 hours before doors opened and gave her the heads up so she would be in the know and it was handled as graciously as could be expected for a major error. At least boss lady was fairly calm about the whole thing.
Doors opened, volunteer coordination was never discussed ahead of time, check in was a little gooby, but guests walked in and the first thing they hit was the bar. No problems!
Costumes everywhere, nekkid painted ladies, bright lights, laughter, sparkles, socialite chatter, glitz, bling. It's such a fun, silly, cheerful fundraising gala.
People walked through this from the auction area and bar into the dining room.

The enormous cake sculpture.

My Guy got to come as a friend's guest! And I am indeed wearing sequins.

Nekkid lady- I ate dinner with  this girl before she got painted. The girls who modeled all dance  at a burlesque venue for fun, they are SO cool.
Boogaloo, Burlesque girl 1, Bromance

Bromance, Burlesque girl 2, my Guy, Burlesque girl 3, Swarley, and Boogaloo.
The auction ended up doing really really well and my group o' dudes had a really fun evening. Boss lady was relatively happy with turnout and ticket sales, and I got home and was asleep before 2. Success!

AAAAAAAAND, boss lady is in New York for the week. RECOVERY!

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