
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Snuggle Bugs

It got CHILLY... I was so glad I took my shower last night rather than this morning so I didn't freeze my buns off walking the dog this morning with wet hair. TMI? Don't care. It's my game plan for the rest of the winter. The downside, however, is a horrible hairstyle (I was reaaaally hoping I could get away with sexy bed-head waves. Nope.) I also crawled back into my warm bed with dog and husband, while kitty napped on my head for a while. Because I had time to.

The upside of the deep freeze (37 overnight!!) is that I get to wear my coats. Sha-bam! I do look forward to more of this.

Pants: Gap really Skinnies, Button down: J Crew, thrifted...Sweater: Gap...Necklace: White House Black Market...Shoes: BCBGeneration via Ross 

I'm making up for mucho lost time on 30 Days Hath November...
Day 24- Something that means a lot to me: I've been talking about family often lately, so I'mma talk about my furry kiddos. And here's why. I know I'm meant to be a mother. My purpose on this planet is to encourage, nurture, snuggle, provide. I've pushed those aspirations aside for the sake of my Guy's academic dreams (a little begrudgingly) so my Critter Kids really are my sanity. Having little beings in my care, providing me with the joy and silliness of experiencing life with fervor. I love that my dog knows when I need to get active and when I need to just be still. I love that my cat likes to share my potato chips and knows just when I neeeeeed her snuggled up on my chest. They're so loving and silly and intuitive. Whoever tries to say pets are just pets are fullovit.

Skipping to 26- Something I'm looking forward to: GET. MY. HUSBAND. OUT. OF. SCHOOL. Ideally forever, but even just the semester. I want to see him regularly in the evenings. 9 pm rehearsals and all-night paper writing can kiss it.

Day 27- Myself one year ago: Last year I was feeling awfully dark about being stuck only half-way through being the only earner. I decided to sign up for Real Estate classes as a diversion of sorts and if it opened a new career, oh good. I thought it might also be a new or interesting way to use some of my Interior Design skills. I didn't continue for more than the Spring semester (4 classes online while working full time was a lot to take on and Summer and Fall schedules simply didn't line up) but it was something I'm glad I did to push myself. Oh, yeah, and I was still working weekends at Gap, too. That's a year I don't choose to repeat.

That was a lot to read through. Sorry you all got sucked in and yanked along for the ride. I've never been a journal-writer, so this is fun and cathartic to go along with the 30 Days!

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