
Monday, January 2, 2012

Long Time, No See


Here's the rundown of my Holiday week back to Ohio.

Friday night - Saturday: Drivin'. My Guy was a beast and powered thorough from 7 pm until 6 am. I did a weenie 6 hours after that. We picked Sissy S up in the Chicago area and headed to my Grandparents' for Christmas Eve (which consists of snacking your way through sausage and cheese on crackers, candies, hot wings, fruits and and the ever-present Cheeseball. Drool all over my face.

Christmas Day: Breakfast Casserole and gabbing at my parent's house before gifts and brunch at my Guy's family's house. The cute booger on the bike is our nephew. Evening at my family's with the annual make-a-gift swap. We trade names and make one special gift for the person whose name you draw. I love the tradition! (BTW, I bet my Grandpa is cuter than yours- he wears bolo ties and orange corduroy pants)

Monday: Early brunch with my guy's sister, her partner and our nephew. Relaxing, cozy and full of good conversation. Lunch with grandparents over at my guy's family's house and loooooots of baseball talk (his grandma is an even bigger Tiger's fan than my guy and his dad! So cute). We headed south afterward to the 'burbs and hunkered down to enjoy time for a few days with my best friend and her rapidly expanding family. Allow me to introduce you to our sweet GOD SON!

Tuesday: More time with our friends and Little Boy and his baptism that evening. SUCH A GOOD DAY!

Wednesday: Lazy morning and then a trip up to my parents' so the family could meet Sissy S's boyfriend (I got to meet him when I met up with her in Hong Kong, where he lives, before my visit with her in Beijing, where she lives). We ate massive amounts of stew, played trivial pursuit, yapped and took part in general sibling shenanigans.

Thursday: Amish country day (cousins live out in eastern Ohio)! Christmas festivities with my cousins is my guy's favorite part of trips home, mostly because they worked for the local fire department and EMT's  and so bonfires tend to get a little out of control because they know they'll be rescued if it get's dicey. This year my guy ninja kicked a door apart to burn and Da Boyfriend dropped a gasoline bomb on the fire (so he'll like us better, said cousin R). Oh, and because we have family-wide beer pong tournaments.

Friday: Bacon and homemade sausage gravy and biscuits courtesy of my Sissy A, leisurely drive back to town and separate family nights. My guy went to a fancy-pants dinner with his parents and I ate my body weight in ambrosia salad and german potato salad at my grandparent's house. We played cards (Grandpa and I were the winning team for most of the night) and got in one last night of really precious family time.

Saturday: Another leisurely morning, I got so snuggle and sing Indigo Girls to Little Boy, before we packed up and hit the road.

Early Sunday am.: Roadside nap and a quick jaunt to NOLA. We hit a dog park for the beagle and car toured the French Quarter. I LOVED it. I look forward to another "for real" roadtrip there for more exploring.

Aaaaaand, I will admit to being behind the lens for the majority of the week. I forgot to take outfit photos, so you'll have to deal with looking at our goofy mugs instead.

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