
Monday, February 20, 2012

Oh. My. Gosh. Good Morning, I suppose.

Another week- Anyone else tired for no good reason? I just have a sneaking suspicion that this week is going to be funny. And not in the Ha Ha Ha way. Let's hope I'm wrong.

Case in point: I opened the garbage can shed at our apartment to deposit the dog's post-walk poop bag and sitting on the rim of the NEAREST can to the door was an opossum. Looking me right in the eye. Thank goodness he didn't hiss or squawk and Miles never noticed him, so I wasn't subjected to beagle baying, but I WAS SIMPLY NOT EXPECTING TO BE EYE LEVEL WITH AN OPOSSUM. Seeing something like that behind a closed door is emotionally draining. My stomach turned, my heart rate skyrocketed, I'm not even sure I closed the latch.

It can only go up from here, huh?

Skirt: thrifted...Tee: J Crew Outlet...Cardigan: Target...Shoes: Nine West Outlet...Belt: thrifted...Necklaces: thrifted

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