
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Painted Lady

Two brief stories for today:

1. I absolutely HAD to paint my nails this color last night because I'm working on repainting a little nightstand a moss green color... and the spray bottle leaked all over me. After using acetone and a scrub brush on my hands, the paint color was still pretty noticeable. So I figured this was my best shot at camouflage. Whoops.

2. I love these jade bracelets. I love them even more because I really had to work for them. In south Beijing, there's a junk/antique/art market called PanJiaYuan Market. This roughly translates to "Dirt Cheap" Market. After a run-in between my knee and a sharp hunk of metal (another story for another time), my sister yanked my funky hobbling butt from vendor to vendor so we could see as much as possible. There was crappy jade and cheap-o enameld bracelets galore, but my eye landed on a neater stall with thicker jade bands and none of them were ectoplasm green the way fake stuff is. I knew I wanted to see what fit my tiny wrist (another problem with the cheap stuff) and do my best to haggle down the price. I was asked for 250 RMB (about $40) each, but I worked the guy down to 175 RMB for the pair. I had to walk away for it to happen, though. Which scared the crap out of me, because I really wanted these as my souvenir to self, the fit was perfect and the veining is gorgeous. It worked in my favor, he chased me down and said "OK."

Pants: Zara...Button-down: J Crew...Sweater: Sparkle  & Fade via Buffalo Exchange...Shoes: Nine West Outlet...Scarf: Liberty of London via Buffalo Exchange...Bracelets: Beijing PanJiaYuan Market (We haggled them super-cheap!)...Polish: Essie Sew Psyched

New little nightstand, before:

I'll be back in a few days with finished project photos!

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