
Sunday, May 20, 2012

5 Years

Happiest 5-Year Anniversary to my husband! We've been together for over a decade, did a lot of growing up together, and have supported each other through a lot since then, from high school drama to late night college papers and projects to organizing cross country moves to setting up a home (wherever it may be) to misguided dreams and disappointments to budding interests to competitions won to roadtrips to culinery failures. And a whole lot more in between.

Darling, thank you always for encouraging me to be independent, interested and interesting. For allowing me to wear the pants, for being conscious of always fighting fair, for letting me be quiet when I need it and pull me out of my comfort zone when I'm being a weenie. We thrive on the little things and I appreciate that your values are so in line with my own, ever though our families are so different. But, that's just the thing. We value family. We value relationships. And for the first 5 of many many (barring the need to use the Dutch Oven Divorce Clause) more years, we've done a bang up job of making good use of those priorities to foster communities and relationships, regardless of where home is. I look forward to a lifetime of adventure and daily choosing to like and be loving to each other. Because the love part will always be there.

And let's just take a minute to reminisce about how awesomely low-key our wedding was (Photo-overload. Sorry)...

Officially married and documents signed a few weeks prior in my Guy's mom's amazing garden.

Barbeque and beers for the rehearsal dinner (with Grillmaster Dad) led into a frisbee game and beer pong with Mom, Grandpa and sisters. 

And our wedding. What a wonderfully relaxed day to celebrate!

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