
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sister Swap

Dress: Target...Cardigan: Target...Shoes: J Jill via Buffalo Exchange...Neckace: Target...Bracelets: thrifted

This dress... I purchased this coral stripe the same day I purchased the navy version. I figured why wouldn't I want a cheerful summery colored dress? Several days later I saw a bolder mixed color striped version, but only after I snipped tags off of this goodie. So, here I am, wearing the coral version. And I like it, but I don't love it on my pasty-white complexion.

And then it dawned on me... I have a package full of swimsuits and flats that I'm preparing for my sister in Hong Kong. And she has a perfect warm skintone. So, I'll wash and include a little gifty. And keep the bolder stripes for myself. It's a win-win. I get to feel less guilty about over purchasing and she gets a lightweight dress that will allow air circulation in the Hong Kong humidity.

I love sisters who function as scapegoats. Especially if they promise to mail back a new iPhone case or two. I've worn mine ragged.

One last little bit of weekly fun: Pleated Poppy's What I Wore Wednesday and new to me Rolled Up Pretty's Whatever Whenever Wednesday!

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