
Monday, June 25, 2012

A Weekend of Awesome

Skirt: F21 (old)...Blouse: thrifted...Cardigan: Target... Belt: thrifted...Shoes: J Jill via Buffalo Exchange...Earrings: Wish Boutique

Yeah, yeah, the skirt's too long.

Hey, you all! I'm not exactly thrilled to be back into the work week, but I sure can't complain about my weekend. Friday we made this asian style slaw salad to take to an evening of grilling and hanging out with neighbors. I got to spend the evening mostly with our glass artist upstairs neighbor- he and his wife are both so friendly but I never get to chat with him alone. I discovered he's wonderfully refreshing and cheerful with a few naughty stories tossed in even when he's not playing the role of respectable husband. I enjoyed it immensely. Saturday was lazy and hot until about 2:00 when we went to the Pride Houston's festival (booths, swag and awesome people watching). We met up with a crew later in the evening, drank weird Wild Blue beers to get them out of my friend's fridge and wandered up to the Pride Parade. I cheered and nearly lost my voice, high-fived more skinny men in only underpants than most people will high-five in their lifetime, was gifted a boa that fell off a float after I yelled "May I PLEEEEEEASE have that boa?" and someone picked it up for me, high-fived a few drag queens, a bunch of LGBT allies, more skinny boys in only underpants, several insanely tall latina lesbians... I was a high-fiving machine. But, only one mermaid for our parade. Yesterday was spent catching up with a friend from when we lived in Tucson (this friend grew up 45 minutes south of Houston, it's a treat to be able to see him pretty often when he comes home). We were invited to join his family for the day at their rental house on the beach in Surfside, which was filled with lots of chatting and laughing, chips and dip, splashing with our dog in the ocean and more Frescas than any one person should consume in a day. It was hot, what was I supposed to do to keep cool enough to stay out in the sun to burn myself crispy? Kidding, I used sunscreen. Anyway, it was a wonderfully relaxed day and I love love love that his family didn't treat us special at all, we just got to join the lump of people milling and snacking and lounging and helping ourselves. My favorite kind of family time, even if it wasn't my family.

So, what were you all up to this weekend? Anything awesome? What are you looking forward to this week?

From Pride... I adore these women!

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