
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

They're on a Boat

Jeans: UO...Sweater: Target...Shoes: J Jill via Buffalo Exchange...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange...Nails: Deborah Lippmann It's Delovely, borrowed from Katie

Notice anything in the detail photo just above? Oh, that would be the gouge on my ankle from my epic bike fall. And I babied it enough over the last two evenings to leave a bandaid off of it. My knee is much more hideous, but healing equally well. Hydrogen Peroxide FTW!

Also FTW is this sweater. Yes, a sweater in Texas. In summer. But look how wonderfully loose and mesh-like it is. Breathability for the sweltering heat, a little coverage for AC indoor temps. Um, and paired with mint jeans, a no-brainer.

So, my family left for a cruise on Sunday. Of course Sissy A (in Phoenix) and I are bummed we can't join, but I was able to chitty chat with my mom after they got to their room in port and before departure. They booked a fancy-pants room with a balcony for the 4 who went, which I think mom and Sissy S will enjoy immensely. They were slated to go all the way down to Belize City, but guess who foiled those plans? Darn you, Ernesto. It's scheduled to hit southern Mexico/ Belize tonight and likely at hurricane strength. I'm feeling really sad for my mom and dad, especially, they've been on a 15 year hunt for the retirement beach of their dreams and Central America was one of the areas they've had no access to check out yet. This trip was going to be a litmus test for the area, but now they don't get the chance to know what it's like. And, while I'm bummed about the change in their plans, one has to admit that Jamaica isn't a terrible alternative. (BTW, my dad had a stroke of brilliance in Costco one day a while back- he bumped into a colleague whose family was going on a cruise a month ago and they agreed to split the cost of 4 total pairs of snorkels and flippers, each family receiving a chance to use them on their cruise. Way cheaper and less icky than a rental and way more fun for subsequent pool swimming. I don't care who you are, a pool in NW Ohio is infinitely more awesome if you're wearing flippers.)

It also got me thinking about how on earth we should be planning to celebrate My Guy's completion of this degree. Cruise, maybe? I mean, for Pete's sake, we're 40 minutes from Galveston...

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