
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Leopard and Oxblood... And Stupid Computers

Skirt: Target...Sweater: F21...Shoes: J Jill via Buffalo Exchange...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange...Shades: Gap via TJ Maxx...Bracelets: thrifted and Target...Pearls: Beijing pearl vendor

Animal print link-up! Lots of link-ups. Check out Marionberry Style's Trend of the Month Challenge, A Little Bit of Lacquer's Work It Wednesday, Pleated Poppy's What I Wore Wednesday, Pretty Shiny Sparkly's Oxblood Challenge and Rolled Up Pretty's Whatever Wherever Wednesday.

I'm choosing excitement and positivity this week... we found out last Friday that Boss Lady's contact book problem that we thought resolved itself is not, in fact, resolved. It's back and meaner than ever- not syncing with Apple's crappy new iCloud system, the search function quits working all of a sudden, the display panel gets stuck on one contact and won't display anyone else until you restart the computer... There's maybe one, maybe ten, maybe seventy corrupt contact cards gumming up the works and no way to know which. The Apple Engineer recommended solution: create a new admin user, make a pdf of the contact list and notes and RETYPE, MANUALLY, EACH ONE OF THE 3045 CONTACTS. Why do Boss Lady's computers hate me? Right, because there's a PC from 2005 and an iMac from 2008... and she insists "they're not that old, they shouldn't be having problems..." Um, they are old. And in computer years, I'm pretty sure they're octogenarians. They have every inconvenient right to have problems.

Grin and bear it. And get it done asquicklyaspossible. Darn that need for accuracy.

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