
Monday, September 17, 2012


Dress: Target...Belt: Target...Scarf: thrifted...Cardigan: Target...Shoes: J Jill via Buffalo Exchange...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange...Bracelet: Target...Earrings: Banana Rebublic


Friday: Study/ Quiz session from 6:00 - 11:00. Happy Friday.
Saturday: 9:30 - 12:00 Help out at Boss Lady's house for a special tour. Rush to meet up with a girlfriend at the tail end of a conference. Study and quiz more until we had to leave for the John Cage-based Musicircus at the Menil (my guy's electronic piece was played). 6:30 dinner got waaaay stretched out- we didn't go to eat until 8:00, arrived home at 9:30 to a sick dog. 10:00 pm - 7:00 am spent cleaning dog barf and poking him to make sure he hadn't dehydrated completely and dropped dead.
Sunday: Feed sips of water to the dog every 10 minutes to rehydrate him, white rice, white rice, soggy dog food. Ice cubes. All. Day. Long.
Monday... DOOMSDAY. 8:30 this morning marks the beginning of my Guy's comprehensive exams. Eeeek and thank goodness.

I can't even describe how many manic highs and lows this weekend held. I have never been more happy to see Monday come.

And today just has to be good. It's my sister's birthday! Happy Birthday, Bif. You're so very loved!

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