
Friday, October 12, 2012

It's a Fiiiine Life

Skirt: Target...Sweater: Banana Republic Outlet...Scarf: via TJ Maxx...Shoes: Nine West via Buffalo Exchange...Belt: Target...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange...Earrings: Banana Republic...Shades: via TJ Maxx

Happy Friday, you all! I really am workin' for the weekend. Phew, I'm wiped out. PS- name that tune from the title...

The high points of the week:
The couples' photoshoot that our amazing neighbor did with us last Sunday are, in her words "TOTALLY AWESOME!" I am so in awe of her talent and natural ability to both shoot effortlessly and make her subject feel totally comfortable.
We successfully assembled and stuffed around 1000 invitations for the Gala and mailed 'em.
I got to attend a board meeting and met a ton of wonderful people with my new job.
Finally got photographs and more concrete information on a ton of auction items, no small feat for how very behind we are.
I made up a really delicious asian noodle recipe. And made/ate it twice.
St. Arnold Brewery (local!) Oktoberfest. Many, many.
Found the best greige nail polish for my skin- not too dull, too grey, too light or too much like putty: Essie Miss Fancy Pants.

I know this stuff is fluff, but I'm wiped out. It's going to be an absolutely insane month- I'm confident I'll be doing 12 hours with my new job each week and proooobably darn close to a full 40 hours with Boss Lady and the Gala! But, it's only a month... I'll make it! And I'll do it with a smile.

BTW, isn't my neighbor good?!

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