
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Party Prep

Dress: Target...Cardigan: Target...Blazer: Gap...Belt: Gap...Shoes: BCBG via Ross...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange...Necklace: Target

Woo, this morning got all shaken up! I stayed at work late to finish putting together packets for our first host committee meeting, which is today, for the 2013 Benefit Dinner in the spring. For which no When, Where, Theme, Honoree, etc. information has been decided. Good thing I'm well versed in cheerfully taking care of details last minute. Kidding, we'll get a lot of it figured out between today's meeting and a meeting with our potential honoree next week.

The good news is that we had meeting with two potential locations yesterday, so I received a delicious sampling of ceviche and "lobster bisque pops"- yeah, as in tasty lobster corn dogs. On a stick. Yum. I'm pretty sure that counts as a perk of the job!

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