
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tales of My Ineptitude

Pants: H&M...Blouse: Target...Cardigan: Target...Scarf: who knows, I've had it for over 8 years...Shoes: Le Sportsac via DSW...Bag: Longchamp knockoff...Earrings: Target

Okay, so baking is decidedly not my thing. We had a video chat with my parents last night while I was baking cookies Round 2 (Hi, Dad!) and I was able to show off my powdered sugar and flour splattered pants, my kitchen in shambles, my inability to stir any of it without slopping all over the place. I tried making a Rolo cookie recipe, which looked right-ish based on all the photos, including the one of a bowl full of glorified batter rather than dough, but the images still showed lumps of cookies on the baking sheet, but mine would not stop spreading. So, I went ahead and made them into fudgey brownies. I even read and followed instructions. This is why I hate baking... Do all the steps right, go through the trouble of properly measuring, and it still fails big time. Forget it! I'll stick with stir fry.

It's also mailing week at the office for the annual giving campaign letters, which has not gone easy at any step (I choose to believe it's my work computer's strange Mail Merge reactions). Getting the letter, the spreadsheet of names, giving form, and additional letterhead and envelopes ready and printed has been a mini nightmare. We thought we had a solid letter drafted, a descriptive and clear giving form finalized and lots of labels for the envelopes, but Mail Merge wouldn't print the photo in the letter, the Director changed her mind about the form (we backtracked to juuuuust about the same thing we finished on Friday), we ran our of labels, but had pleeeeenty of clear,  which takes about 72 hours to dry without smudging. Plus, we're out of stamps! I love my new job, I love my new co-workers, but whew! The hazards of a tiny non-profit staff, I guess.

The good news of early Tuesday: We finally have a theme for our benefit dinner in the Spring: Pop Art Soiree! Lots of awesome art historical references to use there, lots of 60's cultural goodies. I can't wait to see a draft of the invitation late this week!

And don't forget, we're doing a little Holiday Look link up this Friday! Prep your party garb or your cozy best and get in a festive mood. I'm so pumped to see what you all put together. But, today I'm linking up with Pleated Poppy's What I Wore Wednesday and Rolled Up Pretty's Whatever Whenever Wednesday.

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