
Monday, January 28, 2013

Jam Packed

Skirt: H&M...Sweater: Target...Shoe: Cole Haan via DSW...Earrings and Jade bracelet: via Beijing cart vendor...Belt: came with the skirt...Bag: Longchamp knockoff

Good weekend. Saturday, I had to man a table at an Early Childhood Education conference, but I sure am glad I had the early shift- a very large, very caffeinated early morning treat from my favorite coffee shop, a drive to South Houston in absolutely beautiful fog at 6:30 and home by 11. We were starving by then, so we took a quick 1/2 mile trot to Bodega's Taco shop for fish and shrimp tacos. I love our neighborhood, but there really isn't an abundance of cheap food in walkable distance from our place. If we wanted $20 per plate entrees, we'd be in great shape. Aaaanyway, my afternoon was spent napping and painting my nails while Rob was at an afternoon rehearsal and we got ready for an early dinner with dear friends and their new doggy (the most petite and darling Cairn terrier mix I've ever seen). Sushi nights with friends are always great! And then Sunday, we got up early, went to the Zoo for a quick little while, ran a few errands, knocked out a few huge loads of laundry in under 1 1/2 hours, snuck a lunch of home-made pulled pork from Bromance, saw a dance show, and wrapped it up with a bike ride around campus and cheap beers at Valhalla.

For as much as we packed in, I still feel rested after a week of feeling crappy and out of it. I'm going to go ahead and assume it's a little gift of apology from last week and a nice little welcome from this new one.

What were you all up to? Fill me in!

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