
Friday, March 29, 2013

Adios, I'm off to the Old Pueblo

I'm going to skip Casual Friday for Franziska and Whitney's 5 Days 5 Ways... mostly because we've been having so many meetings and extra projects on the weekends, my casual looks are either nonexistant or a notch above pajamas. Nope.

Aaaand, I'm hopping a plane this afternoon to go to Tucson, Arizona! Rob has been out there all week to rehearse and prepare for the quartet and live electronics piece he wrote for Artifact Dance Company to choreograph. Well, the whole thing is here! Three performances in the enormous dance hall at University of Arizona, Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday day. I'm so proud of all the collaborators for this project, it's going to be seriously awesome. Plus, I fly into Phoenix and my little sis is still living there, so we get an evening together, a day of adventuring together, and get to watch the show together. I miss spending time with her, it was really nice living only 2 hours apart while we were in Tucson for Rob's Master's degree.

However, I'm leaving just in time for two grants to be due on Monday... uugh, just when you think you get a little break and some sanity, you remember, nope, there's a mad rush of other stuff to do and your time hanging out in the airport will be spent doing more work. And as soon as I get back to the office on Tuesday, we're just over a week and a half out from the gala. Double uugh. Still so much to do for that!

See you guys next week!

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