
Thursday, October 11, 2012


Skirt: H&M...Tank: Banana Republic Outlet...Cardigan: Target...Belt: Target...Scarf: Gap men's...Shoes: Naturalizer...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange...Bracelet: thrifted

I love wearing stuff like this. A silly, totally girly polka dot pencil skirt, a simple, borderline-boring oatmeal cardigan, a $2.50 clearance bin men's scarf from Gap, a mish-mash of black and tan neutrals... it's all a little bit innocuous, a tiny bit refined, a lot bit confused. I think lady-like silhouettes save me in this case.

Thanks for all of your sweet words yesterday! It was a kind of nerve wracking decision process... Remember that incredibly overwhelming weekend and week when the dog barfed his guts up and got crazy dehydrated and my guy was in up to his eyeballs with the comprehensive exams? Yeah, there was more. I got to interview for the grants and special projects job that I've started with a local non-profit on a Thursday, got an offer a week later. It was, however, a real struggle to coordinate a start date/ shared time between the new opportunity and Boss Lady. The enormous Gala happens November 3 and I'm trying to be fair to Boss Lady because I know how poorly the planning has been going, but I can't ask my new opportunity to wait a month for me. Aaaand, the Thursday before my Guy's comps, he had a Skype interview for a Fall '13 teaching job. Which looks like it may progress to the next level. Oh. My. Gosh. I'll know more in December. Lots of stuff that's big and exciting and keeping me on my toes!

But, I'm also so excited about my new position. I'll be learning even MORE about non-profits and, hopefully, will successfully add my own thumbprint on their donor relations. Learning about grants is going to be daunting, but the skill set I will learn is going to be invaluable to my career. And it's growth opportunity I wouldn't be able to gain in my position now. So, here's to my next step.

Excuse me while I go nervous barf again.

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