
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

This Sweater: Stuck on Repeat

Well, I'm back. And lazy. I actually took this sweater on the trip with me and washed it our last day there. And then wore it again once I got back. I also braided wet hair and called it a hairstyle. I'm disgusting.

The trip made me realize a few things. One, my husband is the best road trip buddy on the planet. He's a power-house driver, he puts up with my absurd requests to stop and see all kinds of roadside attractions, he'll drive an extra couple of hours out of the way to see something especially fascinating, he likes finding diners rather than McD's. Two, I love a good beach just as much as the next girl, but I'm a mountain "person." I came back so invigorated by just how vast and massive a good mountain landscape is. And, man, I miss mountain conifers. I saw my first hemlock tree in over 6 years in the Giant Cypress grove and I have a really special relationship with hemlocks. Let's face it, I'm a pyro at heart and a handfull of hemlock twigs will build a good fire from a few embers better than anything else. Three, I. MISS. REAL. CAMPING. My moment of heartache came when we were driving through national forest after national forest with signs for creekside campsites en masse and I had no gear, no extra time and three non-camping women in the car with me. Tragedy. Four, I call Bull on anyone who says "Blankity blank is juuuuuust as comfortable as jeans and a tee." Jeans and a tee are like a superhero uniform- you can do anything in them. Also, going on four years and my love for my Chaco flips has not waned. They fit my feet to perfection.

Sorry to go all crunchy-granola on you all, but as much as I like living in a big, interesting city, I love being in nature more.

Be back tomorrow, a little more lady-like!

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