
Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Dress: ASOS...Sweater: Target...Belt: Target...Shoes: Nine West via Buffalo Exchange...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange

Thank goodness it's Wednesday- my Guy is completing the 2-hour oral exam part of his comprehensives (they made him wait two weeks between the 3 days of written exams and the orals... which means he had to maintain all of that extensive musical knowledge for an extra long period of time because once he walks into that room tomorrow they could conceivably ask him anything.) Once he's done with this hurdle, he's down to writing his dissertation piece (for symphony and with a springtime target date), passing a language translation written exam, orally defending the dissertation upon completion and that's about it. After 23 straight years of school, he's nearly to the end of the line. Thank. Goodness. I'm so sick of being a sugar momma.

In totally unrelated news, I get to pick up a few pairs of shoes that I took in for stretching and repair at the end of the day today. Including my amazing thrifted boots that I was only able to wear once last year and then the dry, old, cruddy leather soles crapped out. Seriously, they were so brittle, they shattered. Pricy fix? A little. Worth it? I am going to go with a big, fat "yes." There's nothing better than finding a pair of boots with character, a proper calf circumference and at a thrift store price. I have yet to purchase a pair of boots from a "real" store... they are never a sold fit. And the options with a nice, narrow, structured shaft are north of the $500 price range. Um, no.

What fall favorites have you found on the cheap? What thrifted item have you paid big bucks to make perfect?

Linking up... because it's Wednesday! Pleated Poppy's What I Wore Wednesday and Rolled Up Pretty's Whatever Wherever Wednesday.

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