
Monday, October 1, 2012

Aaaalmost a Pajama Dress

Skirt: Target...Sweater: Sparkle & Fade via Buffalo Exchange...Belt: Frankenstein'd from an H&M skirt...Shoes: Nine West via Buffalo Exchange...Bag: D&B via Buffalo Exchange...Earrings: Old Navy...Shades: Gap

Happy Monday, folks! I really hope your weekend was as awesome as ours- got lots of errands run, spent time with our neighbor's doggies (they got to come hang out for dog parties while we're taking care of them), I altered and took in sleeves and armpits on a looot of blouses that were waiting for a little TLC, we ate burgers, tons of celery and peanut butter, went to a friend night/ pool party and ate our body weight in guacamole, we finally went to the theaters to see "Dark Knight Rises," it was cool and rainy outside with absolutely amazing scattered stormy skies. It was a very rejuvinating couple of days off, which we all know both my Guy and I could use after the stress of our beagle's self-inflicted stomach upset and his maaajor comprehensive exams (he officially passed the massive three-day written exams and only has the 2-hour oral exam left on Wednesday!). I also read this amazing post by Audrey late last night- Shopping Mistakes... who doesn't need a little help diagnosing what they suck at figuring out in their wardrobe?

I thought for a nice Monday morning, something simple and stretchy would be nice to wear... with a minty belt and kicky floral shoes to ramp it up a notch. Easy, sophisticated, neutral and, the best part- totally stretchy and weirdly pajama-like with all the cozy fabrics. I'm telling you, these pencil skirts have been big winners. Target. Try one on.

Aaaand for a little adorable overload- Miles, our beagle boy with our dog-sitting charges. They were such lovely houseguests for the weekend.

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