Stacks and Piles

Thursday, May 3, 2012

It is suuuuunny today, which I'm glad for. It's been a little overcast for the early part of this week with heavy, heavy skies, but getting a bright morning was emotionally needed.

I also got in trouble for not putting things away in our apartment. My Guy sent a text partway through the morning (he was cleaning post-weekend away and I am decidedly a pile-maker.) chastising me for leaving things out after using them. And I promised to put in a better effort. What are your tips for making good on clean up promises? I need to find a way to keep our place tidy and put things away before I start snoozing on the couch at 8:00 each evening.

Pants: Gap Slim Crop...Blouse: Ann Taylor, thrifted...Cardigan: Target...Necklace: J Crew Outlet...Shoes: Payless (very old)


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